Ambic Jatamansi Churna 50 Gm

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Rs. 282.00
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Rs. 282.00
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Rs. 282.00
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About Ambic Jatamansi Churna

BRAND -  Ambic

QTY - 50 Gm

FORM - Churna

SHELF LIFE - 36 Months

Hair growth: The extract of Sunrise jatamansi oil is helpful in the growth of hair. It is beneficial for smooth, silky, and healthy hair too. It is used to improve complexion and ensures glowing and shining looks to the body. The root of the powder in water when applied promotes skin texture.AYUSH-56: It is an amalgam of Nardostachys jatamansi and Marsilea minuta with a ratio of 1:2. It is used as an anti-epileptic.Cardiac health: It ensures good cardiac condition as observed in mice.Memory and learning: The medicinal plant is helpful in enhancing the faculties of the brain and combats mental problems thus imparting calm and peace to mind. It is one of the effective medicinal roots to subsidies the three humors-Vatta, Pitta and Kapha and provides a delightful state to the doshas of the body. Strengthens the nervous system: It helps to provide vitality, vigor, and strength to the body thus being good for the nervous system. Stress buster: The plant has the power to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension by balancing biochemical reactions in the body. It is good to have the mind cool and healthy and act as one of the finest mind rejuvenator tonics. It facilitates sound sleeping thus good for those who have a stressful life. Skin infection: The burning sensation of skin and inflammation get subsidized when the decoction of Jatamansi powder prepared in cold water is applied.Liver problems: it shows hepatoprotective effects along with Momordica charantia and ferula asafetida.Antidepressant: The extract of N. jatamansi shows anti-depressant features antifungal: The essential oil of it acts against fungi like Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger.