About Sadar Laboratories (P) Ltd. Sugar Free Mughalliz Jawahari
BRAND - Sadar Laboratories
QTY - 250 gm
FORM - Paste
SHELF LIFE - 36 Months
About Mughalliz Jawahiri(Sugar-Free)
Sadar Dawakhana Majun Mughalliz Jawahiri is a unique Unani preparation for male problems. It is useful in hydrospermia and also improves the quality and quantity of semen. It improves natural retention after removing all the problems. This is also useful in the hypersensitivity of nerves.
Indications of Mughalliz Jawahiri(Sugar-Free)
Majun Mughalliz Jawahiri helps to improve general weakness.
Premature ejaculation
Erectile dysfunction.
Hydrospermia and nocturnal emission
Ingredients of Mughalliz Jawahiri(Sugar-Free)
Asl-us-Soos Muqashshar/ Glycyrrhiza Glabra
Tukhm Sudab/ Euphorbia lathyris
Tukhm Sambhaloo