About Rex Remedies Qurs Alkali Tablet
Brand - Rex Remedies
QTY - 2 x 100 Tablets
FORM - Tablet
About Qurs Alkali Qurs alkali is recommended in conditions of indigestion, acidity, sour and burning sensation in the stomach.Qurs Alkali helps to give relief in the fullness of the abdomen, accumulation of gas, chronic pain the stomach, constipation, diarrhea and other gastric ailments.Qurs Alkali also helps in treating the gastric ulcers very quickly and also helps to nourish the gastric mucosa and healing of the ulcers naturally. Indications of Qurs Alkali Beneficial in the bloating sensation and excessive gas formation. Relief in the fullness of the abdomen chronic pain in stomach, constipation, diarrhea. Remove the toxins from your digestive system and helps in the proper absorption of the food that helps to clear the bowels naturally